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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Outcome


Alvin F. de Levie

Alvin F. de Levie is a 1973, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the Pennsylvania State University and a 1976 graduate of the Villanova University School of Law, where he was a finalist

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19106, United States

Jeffrey Phillips

Jeffrey Phillips is an attorney with Phillips Law Group, and the founder of Phillips & Associates Law Firm and other Phillips & Associates firms. He and his firms

Phoenix, Arizona, 85012, United States

Allen C. Brotherton
Rated 5/5 (5 Review)

Growing up in rural Lincoln County, Allen was blessed with a brilliant analytical mind and won a full ride to UNC as a Morehead Scholar, including summer programs in business

Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202, United States

Craig A. Altman

Your personal injury attorney needs to act fast to build a strong case on your behalf. You also deserve an attorney who will treat you with care and respect throughout the

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, United States